

Why Donate?


As a non-profit wildlife rescue center, we are entirely funded by private donors like yourself. Monthly donations are by far the most helpful way you can lend a hand, as they allow us some degree of stability in providing routine care, food and medicine for the animals we treat. Of course, one-time donations are also greatly appreciated, and every contribution goes a long way! Click on the buttons to be redirected to our monthly and one-time donation platforms.

Macaw Wide

Special Projects

Scarlet Macaw Reintroduction

In association with AsoProLapa, Wild Sun is working to reintroduce the Scarlet Macaw - an iconic species that once thrived in this region but was wiped out due to deforestation and the illegal pet trade. We are on track to bringing back a healthy population of macaws to the wild, but we need your help! Click here to learn more about our species reintroduction efforts.


Coming to Visit?

Wish List Items

If you’re heading our way to visit, volunteer, learn, or explore, feel free to bring along an item to donate off of our Wish List! There are many items we always need that can be difficult to acquire. Our animals will thank you!